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Our noise abatement procedures have changed for the better

Monday February 06, 2023

Earlier this year Gloucestershire Airport completed transformational upgrades to its main runway (09-27). We’re really excited by this because these upgrades have placed the airport firmly at the top end of aviation standards and in doing so cemented the airport’s role as a catalyst for continued regional growth.

We want to make Gloucestershire Airport more than just an airport. We want for the airport to play a central role in driving growth throughout the region, indirectly creating jobs and generally contributing to making where we live a better place.

With this in mind we’ve recently updated our noise abatement departure procedures (or ‘NADPs’ for short).

NADPs are really important. They’re used where there are noise sensitive areas close to an airport and have the aim of minimising disruption to local communities as far as possible.

Our new procedures involve a 30-degree shift in the recommended flight path from our main runway with aircraft directed to fly over the Brickhampton Golf Complex and avoid the residential areas of Highgrove Estate and Down Hatherley.

We’ve communicated these updates to the operators and pilots that use the airport to make sure they understand and abide by these procedures. Bearing in mind of course that sometimes it’s necessary for aircraft to deviate from this recommended flight path for safety reasons.

For more information about why sometimes, for certain aircraft and in certain situations, it’s not always possible to follow this recommended flight path, please read our FAQs.

We remain committed to reducing disruption to those neighbouring the airport wherever possible. Which means we would always encourage people with any concerns or any ideas about how we might be able to improve our operations to get in touch our community relations team by emailing or calling 01452 857700.

In the event we receive a noise complaint, we work closely with our air traffic control team to identify the aircraft and flight in question and, if necessary, speak with the pilot and / or operator to remind them of our updated procedures and commitment to minimising disruption to local communities.

When making a noise complaint, including a picture or video of the flight in question and / or noting the aircraft’s colour and registration number, as well as the time(s) of the flight(s), is all really useful and helps with our enquiries.

Please be assured that we carefully consider all the communications we receive and take any noise complaints very seriously.

Harry Harrad
Head of Operations
Gloucestershire Airport

Gloucestershire Airport