fly2help Aim High Students Visit The Airport
Thursday February 29, 2024

Gloucestershire Airport was proud to host a group of aspiring pilots, engineers and air traffic controllers as part of the fly2help Aim High week during the February half-term holiday.
The week started off with the students visiting Weston Aviation, learning about the varied work that FBO's carry out. This was followed by an informative and inspirational visit to Skyborne which was hugely beneficial for the future pilots.
On the Wednesday students visited Aeros Flight Training, RGV, Global ATS Ltd - Aviation Training Services and Air Traffic Control followed by a talk from fly2help’s Julie about the wonders of helicopter flying!
fly2help is an aviation charity that inspires positive change through the wonder of flight. Their vision is for everyone to be able to access the positive benefits of aviation. Aim High showcases all that’s inspirational about the aviation industry to encourage young people to not only consider a future career within the industry but also to be inspired by the uplifting impact of aviation.
fly2help relies on the generosity of volunteer pilots and aircraft owners, volunteer coordinators and fundraisers, airfields, corporate sponsors and donors to make its work possible. To offer your support to the charity, or to nominate someone as a beneficiary, please contact fly2help at or