FSDP Scholars complete their flying training with Bristol Aero Club
Thursday August 08, 2024

Flying Scholarships for Disabled People (FSDP) 2024 scholars Steve, Luke and Caz recently completed their training with Bristol Aero Club.
John Sorsby, A320 Captain at British Airways, Flying Scholarships For Disabled People charity trustee and Chief Flying Instructor at Bristol Aero Club said “Thanks so much to all the team at Gloucestershire Airport for their support, especially the teams in ATC, Ops and the amazing fire crew who always made sure our aircraft was out and ready for us!
“A huge well done to the really important people, our scholars Steve, Luke and Caz, I really hope they go home with happy memories and new life skills that the scholarships have given them! They all gave it everything and can be hugely proud of themselves. A huge well done to Steve for going solo on the final morning!”
Since 1983, Flying Scholarships for Disabled People (FSDP) have supported more than 400 disabled people change their lives, by helping them to experience the joy of freedom in the air, to learn new skills, to regain confidence, and to “reach for the sky”. Scholars have a range of disabilities and illnesses including, amputation, paraplegia, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, spina bifida, and poliomyelitis. Some are born with their conditions, others have them as the result of an accident or from contracting a disease, or even because they have been a victim of a terrorist bombing. FSDP, based in Fairford, Wiltshire was inaugurated in memory of Group Captain Sir Douglas Bader CBE. Sir Douglas was a double amputee who was famous for his flying prowess, and recognised as an ace pilot during World War Two, and especially during the Battle of Britain. You can find out more about FSDP HERE